Author:     Christina Lauren
Series:      Wild Seasons
Books in Series:

Sweet Filthy Boy
Dirty Rowdy Thing (Out this TUESDAY!!!)

Fun fact: I prefer real books. and so I bought this one used online (gotta stretch my book budget) – imagine my surprise when I received a SIGNED COPY. #win. I can only imagine that a divorce was involved and the ex-husband is getting rid of all of her books, because shit. I’m not parting with that. Don’t worry, it’s now found its #foreverhome.

The tl;dr recommendation: lovelovelove. read it. and then buy Dirty Rowdy Thing on Tuesday!!

Longer Review:

Christina Lauren do it again with this fantastic kick-off to a new series! Three college graduates, Mia, Harlow & Lola, take off for a weekend of fun and freedom in Las Vegas right after graduation. It’s all fun and games until Mia connects with Ansel’s eyes from across the bar. The fireworks they shared with their eyes explode with a drunken night that ends with a much more permanent connection…oh, it’s so so good.

I looked up at my friend and her mother who were blissfully chatting with one another while I was reading (see, I was SORT OF BEING SOCIAL) and gasped when I got to the morning after this drunken evening. Holy Shit. I actually sort of wished I would have saved this first-read for drunk reading. My tweets would have been hilarious.

Ok, enough talking around in circles without giving any spoilers.

Ansel is delicious, sweet, kind, and a really really good guy. And he’s hot. and French. YUM. Obviously he fucks up at some point – DON’T THEY ALL?! – but by the time he does it’s easily forgivable (at least by me) due to the impressive character development created in the book. I loved that Ansel is an attorney (self-interest, obvi) and kudos to Christina Lauren for accurately portraying how working long hours can manifest guilt on both sides.

Mia is also not without struggles but I actually found her NOT to be annoying. SEVEN MILLIONS POINTS AWARDED FOR THAT. There was actually a sex scene during which Mia didn’t come. I really love the fantasy but this was the most real sex scene ever. As the characters breakthrough the weirdness and awkwardness of what happened in Vegas, you get to see them fall in love with each other and their situation. Ahhhh, it made me smile.

The only thing that bugged me – and i think this has to be for a reason – is that even though it’s clear that Mia loves Ansel she NEVER TELLS HIM. fuckfuckfuck. I hope we get to witness that that in the next few books as we meet up with Finn & Harlow in Dirty Rowdy Thing! ON TUESDAY!!!!