Author: Angelica Chase

Book: Hindrance (The Excess Series #3)

Other books in series:

Review & Links to Reverence (The Excess Series #2)

Review & Links to Opulence (The Excess Series #1)

tl;dr recommendation: This is a must read series for those who like it dirty, hot & intense with a plot.

Book Summary:

Storms are a funny thing. Most people ignore the warning signs: a strong gust of wind, a lightning strike on the horizon, the distant rumble of thunder.

My head and heart had been at odds for the last two years because of Devin McIntyre, and my relationship with Aiden had only complicated matters. Still, I craved both men. Just when I thought the decision was taken from me, a choice between the two became inevitable. The two men I had attached myself to emotionally and physically had already told me everything I needed to know.

Although the dark clouds were gathering overhead, I ignored the lightning, played deaf to the thunder, and let the tempest push me toward them both. I ended up in a whirlwind of secrets, a vortex of deception and depravity I never imagined possible. I was drowning again, but this time … this time I would be ready.

Or so I thought.

Nothing could have prepared me for the coming storm.

If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE

Longer Review:

Erotic & intense drama. This book is filthy, shocking and made my mouth drop to the floor. With everything going on in this book I only wish that someone was there to fill it…

This is an incredibly difficult review to write without spoiling anything because EVERYTHING that happens in this book feeds off of a prior event/action. It’s like putting together the dirtiest puzzle ever. Had these been on the table when I forced to do puzzles in my teenage years with my family, I would have been WAY more interested. Just Saying. 

I should note that cheating usually bothers me, but it totally didn’t here. I now gave zero fucks that Devin was married. This is outside of my usual reaction, so it just goes to show how fantastic this story is.

Anyway, we know that Nina’s trying to deal with the knowledge that Aiden & Devin are cousins. We know that Devin’s trying to find a way to leave his wife so that he can be with Nina. And we know that Aiden had left Nina ever since he found out that Devin is the “other man”. This final book continues down the path and shows just what lengths each person will go to get the outcome they want. While definitely erotic, it also throws in some serious suspense that I wasn’t expecting, but totally welcomed.

There are twists and surprises around every turn. Everything I thought I knew from the past two books was twisted once again and I found myself cheering and hoping for different things as the pages turned. The manipulation is fascinating and when it all comes out at the end, I was SHOCKED AS FUCK. You may want to throw your kindle. You may scream. But that’s what makes this series so awesome – you’re so sucked in that you’re invested in the outcome. 

Regardless, I can tell you, it’s so so good. DAMN, Angelica. You’ve once again twisted my soul and I couldn’t be happier.

[I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review]