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Book Summary:

Blue Williams shines no matter the circumstance.
-Prettiest in her hometown
-Most talented cheerleader on her high school squad
-Valedictorian of the senior class
-Prom queen and runner up for Miss Teen Colorado
And the list goes on…

That’s until college, when she finds out nobody recognizes her, and if they do they couldn’t care less. Blending in is something Blue has longed for her entire life. Living in a dorm with a set of new friends is just what she needed to escape her stale life back home. For the first time, she’s seen for her talent and not her name or looks.

Cheer is her number one priority, considering a full-ride scholarship landed her at a prestigious university, and she intends to take advantage of it. A true beauty inside and out, Blue’s heart has always pumped competitive blood.

Until one night changes her forever…the beauty is gone, and all she has left are nasty, ugly memories. The man who saved her has a story of his own, with ninety percent of his body scarred.

What happens when the Beauty falls for the Beast?

Blue Teaser


This review is going to be a mixed bag. I know that some people are going to absolutely fall over themselves to love this book and I’ll tell you why: beauty meets beast, but she sees past the marred skin and into his soul. Honestly, that’s what drew me into wanting to read this book. I am a complete and utter sucker for these types of stories. Probably because The Beauty and The Beast is my favorite disney movie. Ever. Oh, how childhood shapes us. ANYWAY…

I was super into this book if for nothing more than Blue’s hilarious inner monologue and tough-girl antics. She’s strong, tough and knows what she wants. I love that in a female lead character. I was equally as in love with Tuck: brooding, mysterious and reserved. His scars went more than skin deep, but Blue’s love and focus on peeling back his layers to reveal his beautiful heart had me soaring. There’s something about the connection between someone “pure” loving someone “tainted” for all the right reasons that calls to my soul. Anyway, now that we’re getting all philosophical, this book has that in spades. AND I LOVED THAT. The love story between Blue and Tuck was full of anticipation and weakened my knees.

But then there’s the problem with the ending. Things were happening, crazy was going down and then it all just warped speed ahead and then I was reading the epilogue. say whaaa? A whole lot of insanity was crammed into the end of this book like my suitcase on the way home from vacation. I had to sit on the damn thing to make it close. That was the ending of this book for me. Which really sucked, because I loved everything else about it. But you can’t skip over the hard parts of the book like they didn’t even happen and expect me not to notice.

Overall, it’s a beautiful love story that captivated me until the end when I became a little lost and frazzled. 3 stars.

[I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review]

About the Author:

I’m just a simple girl who loves the country life.. .oh yeah! & a good corn dog! Throw in a little Vanilla Ice, and shits bound to get crazy! Be brave…

-Loves country life & music
-Gets the case of the “eff-its” often
-Loves Big
-Hurts Big
-love corn dogs & candy…. & (sex & candaaay)
-My heart is happy writing!!!

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