Author: Cristin Harber

Book: Only For Us (#3) – coming soon on April 14, 2015!!


Only For Him (#1) – review here
Only For Her (#2) – review here

tl;dr recommendation: I can’t love this series any harder. Go one click your face off.

Book Summary:

The third installment of the Only series. Must be read in order.

Grayson and Emma. First love. True love. And… they have a daughter. Abandonment is his curse. He left his woman, survived his team, and missed the moment most precious to a father. Until now.

 I didn’t know you were killing yourself with work. I didn’t know you’re raising our daughter. So help me God, had I known, there is no military force on earth that would’ve kept me from you.

Love needs to heal all, or they won’t survive the collision of their separate lives. Emma must reach deep into her heart that is barely hanging on and find forgiveness. Grayson, wrecked with PTSD-filled nightmares, must prove that he’s here to stay and able to rebuild his family against all odds.

I need to say I love you. But what I mean is I love you–in a way that defies definition and exists only in a world that you and I are in.

Only for Us is the third installment in the Only series. All novellas will release Spring 2015.

Longer Review:

This series guts me in every.single.installment. I was reading through my fingers for the last few chapters since I could see what was happening but begged it not to happen. Sort of like in a horror flick when you scream for the person to NOT GO DOWN THE STAIRS. Yup. That was me. Requesting that a fictional character listen to me. Note: it didn’t work.

This is an exceptional story that will pull at your heartstrings and fill you up with so much hope you’ll want to explode. There is no place I’d rather be than by Emma’s side while she’s standing up to her family on behalf of Grayson. That momma bear grit and determination she’s gained over the past few years? It comes out in full force. NO ONE is messing with her family, even those that are closest to her.

And GRAY. oh my freaking god GRAY. He’s determined to fix the past. Fix his mistakes. Meet his daughter. My heart burst into a million pieces when that happened. It was completely perfect and yet so imperfect. Cristin does an unbelievable job of capturing such a sacred moment that I sort of felt like I should look away because it was so personal.

The cliffhanger killed me. again. because that’s what they do. But the next installment is the final installment SO I WILL SURVIVE. I will be crossing my fingers for the ending that Gray and Ems so desperately deserve. I can’t love this series any harder. Go one click your face off.

[I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review]